How to Create Ladder Stitch

How to Create Ladder Stitch

Stitches  |  1 min read time

Tutorial Overview

Ladder stitch is a lacy, ladder textured stitch pattern created by knitting in stocking stitch and dropping stitches. In this video we will show you how to create a dropped stitch ladder. This stitch is used in the Drop Lay Scarf Knitting Kit.


Step-by-step guide

Step 1:

At the end of the stocking stitch work, cast off three stitches.

Step 2:

Carefully drop the next stitch off the needle.

Step 3:

Next, loosely but firmly, continue to cast off the next three stitches.

Step 4:

Carefully drop the next stitch off the needle.

Step 5:

Cast off the rest of the row and thread the yarn tail through the loop.

Step 6:

Where you have dropped a stitch pull each stitch down the same column to create the ladder effect.


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